I know, I know, I'm a total junkie! I was jonesing for the cure to come along again, and have high hopes of finally seeing one through to the end without relapsing to total and utter chaos. My problem--I have a vision of what I'd like my house to look like in the end, but haven't been able to keep up inspiration and the momentum to get there. I have 4 kids and a husband to feed, clothe, soothe and chauffer, and I can't even keep up with the laundry and the dishes, much less keep the assorted ground clutter from accumulating in the corners and piling up on the steps. I'm tired. This time around, I want to finish what I start, and to develop some housekeeping habits that help me keep moving forward instead of finding myself surrounded with piles of junk. I've read every book, magazine and blog about living simply and clutter-free....why haven't I been able to accomplish this for myself and my family? I've tried
flying, now I'm joining
messies anonymous I need rehab, a twelve-step-plan, hope.