We are having a carpenter build cubbies for children's belongings...the project should be completed within the month...so I am not too focused on creating the perfect landing strip right now. At least I cleared out the garbage and regained our nice entry hall.
I'm not very content with the color of the space...it seems so dark no matter the time of day, because it receives very little natural light. When we moved into the house six (!) years ago, I was in such a green and hibernating phase...7 months pregnant in the middle of a nasty winter...nearly every room is some shade of green. This is such a cold dark space...I'd really like to liven it up. In the near future, we'll be re-wiring, so repainting will wait until then, but I'm already thinking about colors....yellow, terracotta, lime.

A nice warm yellow seems to be the ticket, here, for all that wood. Or a red, even. But yellow is brighter.
Those wooden doors are gorgeous - especially the cupboard one. I'm jealous! I agree with Alana that warm yellow would be great.
Is the hallway now the same blue that shows up in your bedroom Style Tray? It's such a pretty blue, but I see why it isn't working down there.
For a new color, look at the warm tones on the patina of your downspouts.
It is kind of a bottle-green...Martha Stewart's Bookbinder Green
Any chance of bringing in some color with a rug to cheer the space up?
I will get a new runner...the rugs we have now--one at the front door and one in front of the telephone table are very bland and neutral and worn. I think this rug from Ikea would be an affordable way to liven it up:
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