Tuesday, September 4, 2007

feng shui for dopes

I watched a program about feng-shui, and this is what I got out of it:
  • Feng-shui is a study devoted to creating the best environment to live in.
  • Wind and water are the life forces.
  • Intention is the sixth-sense.
  • Chi is the combined energy of people living in the home and the environment of the home. Chi is like the DNA of the home.
  • Energy flows in a harmonious environment and is disrupted in a disharmonious environment.

To help the chi flow in my home, these are some specific things I figure I should start with:
1. unclutter the whole house, especially the entryway & bedrooms
2. rearrange furniture to the commanding position
3. add plants, crystals and mirrors
4. clean top of fridge (only thing that should be there is a plant)
5. clear things from under the bed
6. no tv in bedroom
7. get a goldfish
8. put some yellow things in the kitchen
9. add some red to dining room

I was a bit confused with the Ba Gua map and how to find the different areas of the home, and what colors belong there, but I think that my dining room would be the wealth area, and my kitchen would be the health & children segment. Bedroom would be marriage & relationship, boys room would be knowledge, girls room is fame. I probably am reading the map wrong....I've never been good with reading maps and following directions.

The basic premise of uncluttering and rearranging furniture to allow for flow through the house is a smart thing to do and easily accomplished....plus my kids have been begging for a pet--a goldfish is certainly an easy enough pet to care for.


Alana in Canada said...

Actually, goldfish are very difficult to keep alive. They're notorious for dying. There is a substitute: someone at a good pet store should know what it's called (I forget right now.)

Happy curing!

Anne At Large said...

Alana may be thinking of betta fishes, they're the really colorful ones that everyone seems to have that live in tiny bowls.

Also go plants! I am addicted to houseplants and have decided I can't bring any more home on impulse - I have to know exactly where to put them before I buy them. But I loooove the way they make my house feel.

Anne (in Reno)