Monday, September 3, 2007

the interview

List your favorite in each category:
Actress: Audrey Hepburn, Scarlett Johansson
Actor: Cary Grant, Clive Owen
Artist: James Turrell, Edward Hopper, Jackson Pollack, Henry Moore, Vermeer (the list goes on...)
Writer: Martin Amis, Evelyn Waugh, Agatha Christie
Music: Brave Combo, Van Morrison, Wilco, Sex Pistols (polka to punk and lots in between)
Restaurant: Indian, Italian, Southern soul-food
Automobile: my dream car: a bottle-green jaguar....what I really drive: a mini-van
Television show: ???
Clothing: Classic shapes with modern flair--Prada, Nicole Miller, the Gap (lots of black clothes)

How would you describe your style?
1. Contemporary
2. Classic
3. Bohemian

Personal History

Where have you lived?
Where you were born: El Paso, TX
Where you grew up: about a dozen different southern coastal small towns stretching from SC to VA....add in a dose of Waco, TX, South Bend, IN and Fayetteville, WV. we never stayed anywhere for more than a year or so.
As an adult: Charleston, SC (3 years) and Pittsburgh (14 years)

Whom would you consider a role model?

What three adjectives describe the qualities that you admire in this person?
1. compassionate
2. passionate
3. confident
(4. creative
5. nurturing)

What is the problem with your (home)?
1. disjointed
2. cluttered & dirty
3. dark

If your (home) could speak, what would it say is the problem?
I can't breathe, and I need some loving care to make me feel comfortable.

What one thing would you like to do or do more of in your (home)?
Entertain......(and also be more creative)

Eight weeks from now, when this project is done, if friends came to visit, how would you like them to describe your home?
1. Comfortable
2. Relaxed
3. Interesting

1. Does your home support everything you want to do? N
2. Do you use your home often? Y
3. Is there room for everything you want to do at home? N
4. Is there a good space for what is most important to you? N

5. Do you consider your home beautiful? N
6. Do you feel you have a sense of style? Y
7. Does your clothing express your style? Y
8. Does your home express your style? N

9. Do you consider your home comfortable? N
10. Do you sleep well at night? Y
11. Is your home organized? N
12. Is it easy to clean and declutter? N

13. Do you consider your home to be in good shape? N
14. Is everything in good working order? N
15. Do you take care of repairs quickly? N
16. Do you clean your home often? N

So, my home is "very ill. depressing. serious problems that are harmful to your health." I need this cure badly!

1 comment:

Alana in Canada said...

I just did this post for my blog, too.
You have a sweet kitchen.